Monday, November 10, 2014

Chapter 17: Personal Selling and Sales Management

Cartier is a highly respected specialty, luxury brand that adheres to standards set by the founders of the maison, with a reputation built upon dedication to excellence and strive to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction.

 Through out its history, Cartier was a maison that placed an emphasis on personalization, and  portrayed a great deal of empathy  towards their customers. This can be noted in Pierre Cartier's trip to Russia in 1904 which sealed their partnership with the aristocrats and royalty of the Russian throne. Pierre was able to win over the trust of the Russian courts  with his charming personality, confidence in the excellence of his jewelry, and assertiveness. Before long, Cartier's relationship with their elite clientele, got them further respect and recognition by means of referral. Their clients included the courts of England, Greece, and Spain, as well as the aristocrats and celebrities from all over the globe.
Pierre Cartier in Russia

The Duchess of Windsor wearing a Cartier necklace

Tiara made by Cartier

A necklace made for the royalty of India

    Over the years, Cartier evolved as a company, further improving their customer service abilities with the help of technology and social media that allows customers to provide feedback on customer service and products. Social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram allow the maison to communicate with their customers as well as keep them updated on limited time collections and new luxury pieces that are being introduced and Cartier's Ecommerce site allows those customers who push sales people away to shop without having to visit a boutique.
Cartier's Facebook page

Cartier's Instagram page

     However Cartier's sales philosophy didn't change from the time it was founded. As a maison,  Cartier isn't simply concerned with making a one time sale and then moving on, rather they emphasize the relationship that develops between a sales person and a buyer. As a maison with great product mix width and an apprehensive product line depth, which may overwhelm the typical customer,  Cartier staffs their boutiques with highly knowledgeable employees who are able to explain the basic history and product specifications of each item in the boutique. When hiring sales consultants, the managers at Cartier look for traits resembling those of the founders of the maison, that is, self confidence, sense of urgency and competitiveness, assertiveness, creativity, and empathy.    Upon entering a Cartier boutique, the client is approached by a sales person who guides them through their journey at Cartier, striving to find the best suitable pieces for the occasion. The salesperson conducts a needs assessment to find out as much information about the prospect's situation as possible in order to be able to efficiently assist the potential buyer. Conducting a needs assessment also serves to help the sales person cross-sell pieces that complement the customer's demographic, lifestyle, and/or behavioral traits.
A sales person in Cartier advising customer

     The employee not only guides the customer through the store, but also serves as a consultant and problem solver for their customer. This can be observed, in many cases, as a customer is picking out a gift for their spouse, in which case, the customer asks for the personal advice of the sales consultant, relying on their insight and guidance to make the best possible decision. This is especially prevalent in the process of picking out an engagement ring. Each customer at Cartier is given an ample amount of time and attention from the employees, leading to the creation of a strong bond between sales persons person and customer,  leading to a higher level of trust between the two and, ultimately, and easier close to a sale. To enhance the in store customer experience, client can make an appointment to visit the boutique by filling out a form on Cartier's website. This form addresses the reason for the visit,  asks for the potential customer's information, and gives them  the option to pick the time during which they are available to come in. This serves as a convenience to both the maison and the customers as it saves the customer's information in the company's database as well as gives the sales person information on why the customer is interested in.
Cartier's appointment form

     Although Cartier jewelry is remarkably exquisite, it comes at a hefty price, due to which, potential buyers occasionally have objections to the product, insisting that the price is too high. However, being that the sales consultants at Cartier are qualified professionals, they understand that objections are a legitimate part of the purchase decision and are trained to stay calm and handle the situation. By pointing out the superiority of Cartier as a maison and fine crafter of jewelry, as well as by drawing attention to Cartier's rich history, respectable reputation, and durability of their pieces, along side highlighting Cartier's authenticity warranty and after-purchase customer support, the sales consultant is often able to persuade the customer to purchase.

Cartier watch with price($44,900)

Cartier ring costing $199,000
Cartier Panthere Bracelet valued at $93,000

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