Monday, November 3, 2014

Chapter 16 - Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Promotion

     Carier is a company know not only for their superb quality of jewelry, but also for their dynamic and extravagant commercials and ads. Cartier implements a mix of advertising strategies, boosting their company image and market share. Cartier's ads can be found in the Wall Street Journal, Playbills, high fashion magazines, on posters in airports, and TV commercials.  Cartier's unique selling proposition lies in it's dedication to making high quality, extravagant jewelry with a reputation established dating back to the late 1800s. Cartier commercials often portray admiration as well as vanity and a bit of egotism. Cartier commercials portray a feeling of luxury, elegance, happiness, comfort, and even sensuality. 
     In their most dynamic commercial , L'Odyssée de Cartier, the company uses a real panther as a symbol of the journey of the maison across different countries, encountering different animals which tell the viewer about the rich history of Cartier. This commercial builds upon a fantasy setting to portray their rich history in a unique and captivating way. This commercial has music that builds suspense to the scene, intriguing the viewer while inviting them to discover the history of Cartier.

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